Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spell check is not fool-proof.

In telling me that "sensored" is not in spell check, the computer offered the following words in its stead:

Sneezewort - A plant with multiple uses, though poisonous to livestock
Xenosauridae - A genus of lizards known as "knobby lizards"
Sneezeworts - As in plural of sneezewort.

I stucked with sensored, as in "the items were sensored to prevent theft."

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

In discussing the Miley Cyrus/Radiohead feud -

Myself - "When she told the radio hosts it was Radiohead, they started dissing on them, but you know if Radiohead was in the studio, they would be sucking them off. Proverbially, proverbially."

Micah - with incredulity - "For realz, for realz. And you would, too and you know it! If they said they wanted to do a Racket exclusive, and that's all you had to do, you'd say 'Point the way.'"

Sometimes I can't handle Micah's sudden outbursts.